Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Mission, BC, Child Photographer: Hayden

This session is another one of the Back to School mini's. Hayden is excited to be in Kindergarten this year. He is especially excited to learn to read! Hayden is also very informed about Batman. He says that Batman is way better than Robin and the without a shadow of a doubt Robin has smellier feet than Batman.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Mission, BC, Child Photographer - A Bad Day Turned Sunny

Have you ever had one of those HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD days? Well yesterday was one of those for me. Nothing was going right, I felt awful about myself, and it was raining to boot. I decided I needed to snap out of it! So with the help of my sister I mustered up a couple of kiddos, dressed them up and went shooting. By the time we got everything together the sun decided to make an appearance and it was what photographers call "golden hour"; that magical time of day where the sun is low in the sky, the light is golden, and when real magic happens. A bad day was turned good. These two and I had lots of laughs and I caught some of my new favorite images. Take a look below and feel free to share and comment.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Mission BC Photographer: Back to School Mini Session * Mallorie

I can hardly believe that it is back to school time already! That crispness is back in the air, the leaves are starting to change, and it's time to pull out the warm sweaters. Also time to head back to school. Mallorie is the first of my back to school mini sessions. She also happens to be my niece. We were pretty lucky to make this session happen during a brief 20 minute reprieve from the rain. Mallorie told me all about how she is looking forward to grade one and how she was very excited to be able to play on the big kid playground at recess.

I will be running the back to school mini sessions until the end of September, 2015. It is my way of celebrating my return to photography and the exciting things that are happening in my life right now. If you would like to book a back to school mini session please hit the contact tab to get in touch.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

All In The Details | Mission Wedding Photographer

M & S asked me if I would take some detail shots before their wedding ceremony and because I adore weddings in any capacity I said yes! After spending the morning with the couple I wished that I could have stuck around for the whole day.

G & K {Engaged} | Abbotsford Photographer

This was my very first cultural wedding event. This is only the engagement party and it was wonderful. The soon to be bride was magnificent, the music was rockin' and the people were amazing! The lighting was to die for at our location under a hwy over pass in Abbotsford, B.C. The couple wanted something different as the rest of their engagement and wedding are very traditional. So the graffiti filled over pass was chosen. I fell in love with the beautiful golden sun flare shots of the couple. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! 

Summer Evening | Mission Portrait Photographer

S & A {Hitched} | Chilliwack Wedding Photography

This wedding took place at The Falls in Chilliwack B.C. Dispite the drizzle it was a quaint and beautiful wedding with family from all over the globe.